The above link is about 6:15 long. It's a news story that includes LEO bodycams. There are multiple videos of the wrongdoing within this department. You don't have to be black to be hassled by rogue LEO's.
The Llano PD's ranks have been decimated by the arrests of their chief and some officers for such crimes as official oppression and false arrests.
In one of the bodycams, an officer is using lock picking tools to get into a house where the male resident was, but the police did not have a warrant.
I have never seen a LEO pick a lock to get into someone's house. He eventually kicks the door in and arrests the homeowner, but no charges were filed.
The officer said that he was investigating alleged domestic violence, but I have no idea what the proper policy is regarding a homeowner who won't open up his door to talk. SWAT??
Another homeowner was in his home and yelled at a speeding red truck on his street. Come to find out, the speeder was a LEO, and he came back an hour later with multiple other LEO's and arrested the man for public intoxication. The DA threw out this charge since he was in his own house.
The LCRA shirt the homeowner was wearing apparently was his employer, the Lower Colorado River Authority. The LEO intimated that the homeowner would lose his well paying job since he was getting arrested.
There are a wide variety of abuses that Llano PD appear to have done. At least they have not killed anyone like Dallas PD and Fort Worth PD, but picking locks on people's houses, and making false arrests are not good either.
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- by surprise_i'm_armed
- Thu Oct 17, 2019 4:30 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Llano PD gutted due to official oppression, bad arrests.
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