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by surprise_i'm_armed
Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:01 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Asked @ work "Do you have a gun?" - needed a Twix moment!
Replies: 34
Views: 5432

Re: Asked @ work "Do you have a gun?" - needed a Twix moment

My statements have been accurate. At this point, I would
like this thread to die down since I don't wish to share any
further data on my current work scenario.

Since the economy's improving, and I have a week's vacation
to take, I will probably be in a different environment in the
near future. For that one, I may need to get an LCP!

Even if I had a Twix, it would have been hard to consume it
when my heart was in my throat, alarmed that I somehow
had been "made"!!

by surprise_i'm_armed
Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:14 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Asked @ work "Do you have a gun?" - needed a Twix moment!
Replies: 34
Views: 5432

Re: Asked @ work "Do you have a gun?" - needed a Twix moment


My decision is to carry all the time, with the expectation
that I will never have to draw.

But I'm prepared for such an eventuality.

Am I paranoid? No, why would I be paranoid?
I carry a gun!

by surprise_i'm_armed
Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:12 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Asked @ work "Do you have a gun?" - needed a Twix moment!
Replies: 34
Views: 5432

Re: Asked @ work "Do you have a gun?" - needed a Twix moment

Abraham wrote:Presumably, all new hires are brought up to speed on the no guns policy before they start working ?


If so, why on earth would he ask such a question in front of the boss?

Either he's dreadfully naive or potentially put up to the question by the boss...

My place is not really too squared away as far as providing new employees with
detailed human resources policy manuals.

My fellow CHL made our former boss aware of his 2A leanings and that boss said
something along the lines of "Well, I can't control what you keep in your truck."
Which was a veiled way of saying that he shouldn't be carrying on body.

To tell you the truth, I'm not sure that I could actually put my hands on any policy
documents that explicitly detail gun prohibitions, but I know they don't want employees
carrying. Those who have had to draw and/or shoot have definitely been fired, I know
that much.

Those of you who have suggested some other responses to what I did:

Talking about guns at work with someone I hardly know is not something I want to do.

Remember the Monty Python "spam" skit? Sometimes something with only SOME spam
was offered. "But I don't want ANY Spam!!"

Well, I don't want ANY gun talk at work unless it's with my fellow CHL when we are out
of earshot of others.

I'd love to work at a place where CHL's are out in the open. But that's not my world.

by surprise_i'm_armed
Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:57 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Asked @ work "Do you have a gun?" - needed a Twix moment!
Replies: 34
Views: 5432

Re: Asked @ work "Do you have a gun?" - needed a Twix moment

That would be great if he was also CHL, but at
this point I want to continue to keep as low a profile
as possible on gun issues.

The less people that know I carry, the better.

I'll tell you something kind of crazy though:
my fellow CHL at work used the bathroom,
disarmed, and other co-workers found his XD
sitting on a shelf in the throne room!!!

They said "That's cool you've got a gun! When I
turn 21, I want to get a CHL too!"

So he outed himself on being a CHL. But I think
he has remained mum on my CHL status. No one
has ever said a thing to me about me being CHL.

by surprise_i'm_armed
Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:17 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Asked @ work "Do you have a gun?" - needed a Twix moment!
Replies: 34
Views: 5432

Asked @ work "Do you have a gun?" - needed a Twix moment!

You know the ads on TV for Twix candy bars when a person
is asked a troublesome question? They chew on the Twix while
formulating an acceptable response.

Well, I had a Twix moment at work the other day, but this is how
I handled it.

There are some of you members who carry but you either work at home,
or are on the road by yourself, or everyone at work carries and you are
all cool with it.That's great for you guys.

But my situation is that I am forbidden to carry
at work, but I do anyway. I can get another job faster than I can get another
life. If I was ever "made", I would probably be fired immediately, not even a
onesy warning of "leave it in the truck from now on". If I ever had to draw and/or
shoot, I would definitely be fired. No 2 ways about that.

The only person at work who nows I'm CHL and I carry is another CHL who carries
a 4" XD40. He and I have strategized on where to stand if our place is ever robbed,
and how to engage the BG's so that any possible over-penetration or misses would
be captured by the walls or heavy equipment.

So I'm working with this new guy the other day. Out of the blue he asks me
"Do you have a gun?" My heart went to my mouth because our boss was standing
right next to us. I didn't want to lie and say "no", but I couldn't answer "yes" and
have the boss start grilling me and looking for my gun.

I used the old tactic of answering a question with a question, and one that was
meant to buy me some time and see why I was being asked this question.

"Why do you ask?" I replied.

He didn't press me for a direct answer but replied "Did you know Hillary Clinton
is working with the UN on a small arms ban that might disarm the US?"

I was off the hook and my secret was safe. He continued to tell me about this
issue while my PT111 was in my right front pocket and 2 extra mags were IWB. Wow!

Just wanted to share.


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