I started pondering as sometimes I do and pondered this up, what color(s) is/are the most neutral, blends with all but extreme environments (i.e. totally white well-lit room), inside a building to out in the open, under bright light to inky darkness, no matter what color of clothes I wear? This has to consider at least color, contrast, and gloss/matte. Let's also throw in distances from contact to say 100 yds or so.
We've had several discussions about EDC/Truck rifles. If, for whatever reason, I have to deploy my truck AR pistol, and maybe move with it exposed, what color (not camo pattern) would be the hardest for the human eye to pick up, or at least focus on to determine what I'm carrying? What's going to be the hardest for the BG to see (assuming we aren't already engaged with each other), observable by bystanders (whether in a firing position or held low against the body while moving or staying discreet), and possibly less observable by LEOs as they arrive (with the thought that it gives you a little extra time to react before they pay a lot of attention to you)?
I realize this is an odd question but I got to thinking there should be at least one color that can do a decent job of blending in from desert, to forest, to urban, day or night or there may be several with similar optic qualities. I don't expect it to be hidden as we think with camo, just harder to discern what it is that you are carrying, assuming you're not pulling the trigger at the time. I also realize that there are some instances where being back lit or some other silhouette situation will negate any color.
I want to avoid camo patterns, at least for the moment, as I feel a lot of camo is like fishing lures, more to catch the fisherman's eye and wallet than fish. I also what to do what is likely the impossible, ignore AO. While my AO is mostly dry grassland and red dirt farmland there is urban and, sometimes, lots of green or even snow.
I have my initial hypothesis but I thought it might be a good discussion. So look around you while you go through your day and try to figure out what color will fit the Jack-of-all-trades role. No fair using the cloaking device.