We do not have all the facts so you may wish to withold your judgement. What Mrs. Palin knew of or demanded is not known. Neither is it known if the school decided to keep out weapons. There may have been other contractual agreements between parties unknown to us. I can say with assurance it was not the City. And no, I am not associated with the City. There may have been other issues that we are unaware of. For all we know it could have been a do-gooder thinking they were doing the correct thing. Yes, it may have been an simple, honest mistake. Kind of takes the fun out of any conspiracy theory, black helicopters, political agendas, and 2A diatribes.
As to the government owned Civic Center it was leased by a private party, a private school in this case. Control of the facility belongs to the private party. They "own" the building for the duration of the contract. They may decide who may or may not come in. My understanding of the mentioned code is that governments cannot post publically owned and accessible properties when open to the public. The Civic Center is not posted when it is open to the public for public use or events. Private events are that, private and those private entities may do as they please within the terms of the contract. The mentioned code concerns Trespass. If a private party is leasing a public building they can Trespass anyone they would like to.
Before we get all bent out of shape on this and start thinking poorly of someone or an institution we need to understand
that it may not be as simple as we may like it.
Without all the facts we simply cannot know. I know what I know buy that doesnt mean I know it all. It would be rash to
make any real judgment without knowing much more. Unfortunately we will probably never know enough to come to any
real conclusion.
I suggest we leave it as a blip on an otherwise wonderful evening. Gov. Plain gave a stirring 45 min. Speech followed by a 30 min. Conversation with the school's superintendent. Spike Dykes served as MC and three lovely young ladies sang God Bless America that would have brought a tear to your eye.
The City didn't post. For all I know Palin didn't even know the sign existed, she certainly didn't come through that door. It may have been considered a school premise. It could have been a simple mistake or misunderstanding. Or maybe there were some other logical reasons. For example, if you were discovered with a firearm at such an event, how far do you think you would get? CHL, legal or not? How would they know you were carrying? Ladies purses were being searched. Coats were being left at the coat check. Bump frisks were performed Who knows what else was going on. Maybe the sign, legal or not, was a discreet way of telling you that if you are found out you are not going to make it into the theater
May not be the answer we like but it just may have given enough heads up to someone.
I didn't like being unarmed but LPD was out in force and I'm sure I only saw the tip of the iceberg. No telling how many undercover LEOs were there. I had to be content with their protection. And I was.
We can Monday morning quarterback this to death. It happened. It may have been right. It may have been wrong. It may have been somewhere in between. Regardless this was a one-time event with a (facedown) sign removed at the end of the night.