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by troglodyte
Thu Jan 02, 2025 11:27 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Truck Guns!
Replies: 16
Views: 1758

Re: Truck Guns!

Short of the TEOTWAWKI, carrying an full-size AR while wearing a half dozen magazines during any event is likely to draw unwanted attention to you, either from law enforcement or ne'er-do-wells.

I work 30 miles from my house on the opposite side of town. My wife works about 12 miles on the opposite side of town from me. A long gun seems to make a lot of sense in the event I either have to try to make it to my wife, or my adult kids, grandkids, or to the house. If I roll up on some disturbance, my first inclination is to simply turn around and drive away. If it develops around me or I have to make my way through it, or near it, I'd rather have a discrete long gun available. When I travel it always goes with me.

My "GAB*", a 5.11 LV10 sling bag, carries a 300BO folding AR (Pantheon Dolos and Law Tactical Adapter) with a 2 point sling so it is, by default, my truck gun. 3-20 round magazines. It can be deployed, from the bag, and rounds on target in 30 seconds or less. My pistol is still my primary weapon.

I can keep the gun in the bag and go minimalist (and gray), i.e. getting out of the area of a situation fast and not needing any additional provisions. If I have to start hiking, I can pull out the gun and restock the bag with supplies from the truck in a matter of a couple of minutes or grab another, more complete (and more fluff) truck bag. Carrying the gun with the stock collapsed is very low profile and can easily fit under a jacket or a button down shirt as a cover garment. I wouldn't say it is concealed, just not very obvious. Preferably, I'd drive and use the truck as transportation, safety, and resupply.

Carrying a lot of ammo, physically, is not a priority for me. One is simply weight and space and concealment. Second, I plan on avoiding a prolonged firefight. If, IF, I have to engage it will only be to resolve an immediate situation and then disengage as quickly as possible. Exchanging bullets with someone else is a good way to develop a new, unwanted, hole in the body.

Thief is a concern but I park behind a gate at work and I don't worry about my truck getting broken into when it's sitting behind my shop. When I'm out and about I am not usually very far away or for long. It's a risk but the black bag sitting in the backseat floorboard is hard to see and I don't keep anything else in the truck that is enticing nor do I have any decals that might identify anything.

*GAB - Get Away Bag. It's not really a Get Home Bag but has enough in it to get me out of a situation and get someplace safe. It is mainly the AR, mags, and IFAK with a few other tidbits like a Leatherman, some cash, light stick, short hank of paracord, and lighter wrapped in duct tape. I carry more GHB supplies in my truck. My EDC is my pistol and at least one reload, two knives, a flashlight, and IFAK so the GAB simply augments that.

All of this said, and carried daily, I hope I never have to worry about it.

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