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by RHenriksen
Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:59 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Interaction between a law student and Portland Police
Replies: 19
Views: 2820

Re: Interaction between a law student and Portland Police

I know a few members of the OC/2A community up there in Maine, I have a summer cabin not too far from Portland.

Norm (the subject of the MWAG call) isn't a law student. Just a geeky, highly motivated pro-2A citizen. Much of Maine's LEO community could care less about open carry, and doesn't make any fuss. Portland, OTOH, is rather like Los Angeles. They keep hiring police chiefs 'from away' who bring their blue-state mindset with them. So it's a constant struggle to keep the Portland PD from making up their own rules about what the law really is. That's why you see these sorts of videos...

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