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by RHenriksen
Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:54 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Texas AG Opinion on Employer Parking Lot Bill
Replies: 42
Views: 7954

Re: Texas AG Opinion on Employer Parking Lot Bill

Great to hear, thanks
Charles L. Cotton wrote:The Senate Criminal Justice Committee held a public hearing in Austin on an Interim Study on the Implementation of SB321 (employer parking lot bill) this past Tuesday and I was invited to testify, along with Alice Tripp (TSRA) and Tara Micca (NRA lobbyist). Senator Hegar (SB321 author) was present and asked some excellent questions. It was clear to everyone that most companies, including many who strongly opposed SB321, are complying with the now law, but there are some who are not. A few of the noncompliant companies range from novel approaches to out-and-out violation of the law. However, most of the noncompliant companies are simply unaware of, or misinformed about, the requirements of SB321.

I recommended some changes and I suspect they will be included in a bill to strengthen the law. Senator Hegar also deserves our thanks and support for many years of working to pass this bill, and for not abandoning it once it passed! This truly is a labor of love for a Senator dedicated to preserving the rights of gun owners.


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