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by southboundp
Fri May 22, 2009 10:38 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: February Applications
Replies: 731
Views: 115371

Re: February Applications

Thought the hard part was over for me. Status changed 3 days ago, but no plastic yet. I'm betting they are shipping it via boat and I'll have to wait for some rain to come and fill up the local streams to get the boat here. Might be a while?????
by southboundp
Tue May 19, 2009 7:54 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: February Applications
Replies: 731
Views: 115371

Re: February Applications

Day #80, status changed to "Application Completed - license issued or certificate active"

Won't be long now. :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :cheers2:
by southboundp
Mon May 11, 2009 11:09 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: February Applications
Replies: 731
Views: 115371

Re: February Applications

I called my reps. office friday (she was out of town) but she called DPS and the called me back this morning. She said they had "just" gotten the last piece of info/background check in that they needed. They even told her I should have my plastic by Tuesday of next week (that would be day 80). I'll believe it when I see it. Status on website still has "processing application." Will keep you posted.
by southboundp
Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:00 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: February Applications
Replies: 731
Views: 115371

Re: February Applications

Being the patient one that I am, I politely emailed DPS yesterday morning inquiring about my PIN number and explaining the whole situation of when I took my class, sent my packet, had my money order deposited...not thinking I'd get a response. Got to work this morning, and guess what, I got my PIN. Now the second count down begins.
by southboundp
Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:18 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: February Applications
Replies: 731
Views: 115371

Re: February Applications

Sign me up for the waiting list..... :txflag:

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