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Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:30 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Texas Hazelwood Act for Classes
Replies: 9
Views: 2742

Re: Texas Hazelwood Act for Classes

jl39775 wrote:
JJVP wrote:
superchief wrote:wow. what school is providing these courses?
Not sure to which college the OP was referring, but College of the Mainland in Texas City offers them. I took the intermediate defensive handgun class there a year ago. ... PR2013.pdf" onclick=";return false;

(See pages 17-18)
College of the Mainland is the college I was referring to. The school is a formula funded school. However, I'm not sure if all classes are covered by the Hazelwood Act. I will call and find out tomorrow and post my findings.

How was the class you took a year ago? I see they also have an advance course as well.

It was pretty good. The teacher, Lem Powell is a former cop. Lots of good instruction and real life tidbits from his former life as a LEO. He also teaches police officer cadets. At the end of the class, he gave us the same shooting test given to police officer cadets. He mentioned that typical cadet takes the test 3-4 times before passing. I passed it on the first try, by a large margin. I believe one or two of my fellow classmates also passed it.

Two issues, I want to make you aware. If they don't have enough people for the class, they will cancel it and you'll have to reschedule for another semester. It happened to me. Showed up for the class and found several Gus waiting outside, all wearing T-shirts with some kind of LEO logo and all wearing tactical belts and blue guns. I went inside and Em informed me that the class had been cancelled and they should have notified me. They fail to. They had rescheduled a cadet training to make up.

The other issue, is that they'll issue you the ammo to be used at the class (frangible ammo). I believe it was Remington ammo ( green/yellow boxes). Twice we had cartridges get stuck in the barrel. One was a recessed bullet (on my gun) and another was a crimped casing on one of the other students gun. After that, I started inspecting every round before I loaded into the magazine. Found another crimped casing cartridge in oe of my ammo boxes. Make sure you inspect every round before you las it.

Other than that it was a good class and I recommend it.
Tue Jan 01, 2013 4:11 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Texas Hazelwood Act for Classes
Replies: 9
Views: 2742

Re: Texas Hazelwood Act for Classes

superchief wrote:wow. what school is providing these courses?
Not sure to which college the OP was referring, but College of the Mainland in Texas City offers them. I took the intermediate defensive handgun class there a year ago. ... PR2013.pdf" onclick=";return false;

(See pages 17-18)

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