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by LaserTex
Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:22 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Range Safety Violations
Replies: 34
Views: 6108

Re: Range Safety Violations

Bullet Hole - last time I went out there...a couple months ago. Check in area is small and usually crowded. A female in full body armor and helmet and her long ago retired father were renting an M9. She was an Army Lt. and was being deployed to Afganistan but had to pass pistol qualifications (2 in 8 or better and 1 in head in 10 seconds, if I recall). Checking in - DAD was checking out the rental pistol, turning it this way and that, not caring at all where the barrel was pointed. That should have been the warning.

Out on the range, Dad was almost as careless. Don't know if she ever hit her shots. We left.


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