Interesting thoughts. Of course, I tend to blame congress more than an individual President for a lot of that "mess" he's inherited. In fact, Obama voted for a lot of that "mess" he whines about so eloquently now.BillT wrote: He has not been in office a year and he inherited a Country that was at it's lowest point in modern times. It can't and won't be fixed overnight. But this is a great Country no matter what party is in office. Only through compromise can this Country rise up again to be the envy of the world. Divisiveness just slows or stops the progress that we so desperately need. The glass is half full, not half empty! But then again I am the eternal optimist, it's what gets me through the day!
I understand being against divisiveness, but I cannot STAND the absolute hypocrisy in the Democrat party in particular and the left in general. They did everything they could to create devisiveness the last 8 years. And now when their guy is in power, we're supposed to sit down, shut up, and get out of the way (Obama's words, not mine).
At this point, I feel you reap what you sow. The Dems were quite willing to raise all kinds of hell the last 8 years. Don't see why they should get a free pass now that they're in charge.
Just my .02