koolaid wrote:I think they should just go ahead and preemptively get their revenue from drinkers...
They already do.
It's the alchoholic beverage tax.
The more you drink, the more you pay,

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koolaid wrote:I think they should just go ahead and preemptively get their revenue from drinkers...
All good questions Steve.srothstein wrote: ...But now, I have to ask if they really are as effective as people claim. Where is the proof of this? Are there any studies testing this theory to show that it is effective at reducing the amount of DWI? Not only do we want to see the DWI arrest rate increase, but we need to see an actual decrease in DWI on the road. From Pappagun's observation, there is an increase in arrests, that is then followed by a decrease in arrests. Is the decrease due to a deterrent effect where there are fewer drunks on the road? Or is it due to the drunks getting to know the program and finding other roads to go home on?