McCain is the better of the current three electable candidates. Two things to consider is that that President may nominate SCOTUS judge/s. McCain has sworn he will nominate an uncertain moderate like Bush did (I will think that until they prove me wrong). The other is that he/she will be totally in the debt of those groups that put them in office. McCain will either follow a mostly conservative line and help 2A rights or he will be wishing he was as popular as Bush is now. He MUST be watched and we cannot let our foot off his neck and allow him to get with his liberal friends and start the whole "crossing the isle" which means Americans losing rights and privileges. Either of the Dems will do everything in their power to crush not only our rights but also the organizations that we have built to be our voice. They will ensure prices of guns and ammo go up several hundred percent so that even if we have guns we cannot afford to shoot them and that there will be no new gun owners. It is their strategy of making gun ownership so expensive and hassled that they do away with us over time. There is no doubt of what a Dem president will do to rejuvenate the anti-2A rights movement.
As importantly, we must do all we can to put Conservatives into Congress. That may mean donating to out of state candidates. It may mean some people that have done nothing but complain about losing their firearm related rights to actually get off their complacency and donate time and money. That could be as simple as making sure every person they are close to is a NRA and TSRA member.
Congress makes law and the President signs them. Without both, neither side has movement. Well, unless we consider McCains love of giving the Liberals everything they want while telling us to shut up and live with it.
I do not like McCain and may not vote for him. However, we may have a chance to control him. We cannot control either of the Liberal Dems running.
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- by shootthesheet
- Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:27 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: pro gun political question
- Replies: 42
- Views: 3905
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