Liberty wrote:While I understand and agree with Frankie and Stevie on this one, I also take a Darwinistic perspective on this also.
Anyone who sees that sign and is discouraged from carrying, probably not only shouldn't be carrying there, but at all. Supposedly all CHLers spent a conciderable amount of time sitting in a class learning about when and where they are permited to carry. and the consequences of carry, and self defence. Those who come away from such a class without a basic understanding of the rules and laws probably shouldn't carry until they get a better understanding. The schools in effect are performing an educational function and potentially keeping the ignorant disarmed.
As I see it anyone who is intimidated by those signs probably doesn't understand the law well enough to be safely carrying.
I also find it hard to believe that the school district didn't know what they were doing when they posted the signs. The school districts I'm familiar with don't do anything without talking to their legal council. They are within their legal rights to post these signs. It might be deceptive but it is legal.
I don't think anyone who wouldn't carry there, because of the signs, shouldn't carry at all because of it. When I first started carrying I was unsure because I was ignorant of exactly what the law allowed. I knew about proper signs and all. I just didn't know when it came to certain situations like schools and events. It isn't easy to understand the difference between federal and state law when the info we get from most of the major media is slanted against any carry. That misinformation puts doubts into peoples heads even though they think they know they can carry. Since most err on the side of caution, they don't carry. Beyond that, it seems nothing but lazy not to find out. Ignorant isn't bad. Ignorant and lazy is and I agree that anyone who is both ignorant and lazy should consider not carrying. That is my opinion anyway.