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by cbunt1
Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:05 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 17yo moved out
Replies: 54
Views: 5785

Re: 17yo moved out

And I'm not sure if there's still a distinction between 17 year old boys and 17 year old girls...there was at one time.

Last time I checked on it, at least with a contact in CPS, if your 17 year old daughter walks out the door of her own volition, you're free to change the locks. Not so with your 17 year old son.

That's the legal side of it, as I was told by CPS 4 years ago. I'm not a lawyer, and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

That said, we went through some tough times with our daughter, and all I can say is there's no right answer. I wish you all the best, and you are in my prayers.

Time has passed for us, and our daughter has matured into a very sensible young woman, and we are all the stronger for the turmoil. I'll never get those sleepless nights back, and I truly empathize with you.

I pray that your situation resolves itself in due course, with God's guidance.

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