The problem, as I see it is this: the OCDO group is a single-issue group. Specifically, OPEN carry.
That's fine and good..heck, when it comes down to it, I'm not a single-issue voter, but I am a "single-issue SHOWSTOPPER voter," so I can understand the position.
Problem is, they're all about OPEN CARRY at the expense (if necessary) of everything else. They aren't interested in baby steps. Granted as mentioned above that dancing around the issues doesn't solve the problem, but face facts: we didn't lose our 2A rights overnight, and we're not going to get them back overnight.
That said, I've always felt that a license to carry should be a license to carry. Who cares if you choose to carry openly or concealed--the fact is you've been licensed to carry.
They don't see it that way. While I'd prefer to carry my gun as I see fit, and let you carry yours as you see fit, that's not how the law is today. But I can carry my gun. That's much better than it was just a few years ago here in Texas. Now that I can carry my gun, I'd like to be protected by a parking lot bill (just like I am by the MPA), and removing the campus restrictions on my CHL.
That's more important in general (to me)than showing off my blaster.
Once we get these more important issues (one's an enhancement to current law, and one's a removal of current restrictions), then we can look at open vs. concealed. Done properly, and without showboating, it could be a simple change of the existing CHL statute to remove the "Concealed" requirement, and it could (possibly) even be done without a huge fanfare.
The TSRA never said they were against Open Carry, nor that they wouldn't support it. Just that they wouldn't support it (right then, or right now) at the cost of matters that they/we consider more immediately important.
To put it bluntly: If your choices are carry concealed or don't carry at all, which will you choose? Think carefully about your answer, because I'll bet it differs from the position over at OCDO.
I too have dropped out of sight over there, for just this reason. I admire their cause, but I question their rabid nature about it. Activism isn't pretty, but it doesn't have to hurt the big-picture cause either...
Just my $.02 worth of free opinion. It's really not worth what you didn't pay for it!
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- by cbunt1
- Mon Nov 22, 2010 2:12 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: TX rep to author OC
- Replies: 156
- Views: 31679
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