txglock21 wrote:If I'm by myself, I would not go in and find an alternate business. If with my family, probably would go back and disarm or just wait for them depending on how long they were going to be inside. In the case of a movie theater, its a moot point because I haven't been to a movie theater in about 15 years.Grillmark55 wrote:That would probably be one of those instances where I either 1) didn't go into the theater (or other place of business) or 2) take my firearm back to my vehicle, lock it up and go in.
There have been several times that I think "I'm going to carry anyway because the sign is the wrong size; has a spelling error; is hidden behind a stack of merchandise outside a store (not in plain sight); isn't contrasting colors". Then the other voice says "OK, and if you DO get caught, you are going to enjoy a ride in a cop car, you are going to have to inconvenience your wife by having her follow you to the station, you are going to have to hire a lawyer - and a really good one since the excuses you used may or may not get you off depending on the judge that you go before, if you DO loose your case, you have lost your CHL and you will never have to make that decision again".
I know that some people may say "Quit worrying so much and just exercise your right, you won't get caught", but I tend to think that I would rather follow the intent of the law in these instances and KEEP my CHL AND firearms. I know that there are plenty of people who like to be "in your face" with their gun rights, but in gun-grabbing climate these days, I don't see that as an affective argument for persuading gun-grabbers that we have the right to bear arms.
What I have found to be legally black and white has often been considered grey by the court system. I don't have enough money to convince them I'm right.