Man, that's a great impression of Fred Sanford/Redd Foxx! I don't think any member of this forum would support the kinds of "reasonable restrictions" the Brady Bunch would inflict on us. But as an instructor, I do follow the law and the law says you have to successfully demonstrate proficiency before I sign off on the TR-100 you submit as part of your CHL application. It is almost instinctual to call those who can't pass the basic proficiency demonstration, blind idiots. But since I have seen a blind man pass the test, I realize that is an insult to the blind and I think we've discussed the idea that blindness alone shouldn't be a disqualifier. So rather than insult the blind, I'll just say those who can't pass are idiots. Scratch, that...I'm being too harsh and insenstive to idiots. Those who can't pass are not idiots. They are simply incompetent and in most cases, are not conscious of their incompetence until they fail the proficiency. We see those at instructor renewals every couple years too.Liberty wrote:All is lost, The day has come! Thee Bradys have won.
I never thought I would see the day when folks on a gun board would be advocates of reasonable restriction.
In all seriousness, I have a hard time believing you or anyone on this board wouldn't prefer that people to be proficient and competent when using things like cars, planes, chainsaws or guns with which they could kill or injure themselves, you or anyone in their immediate vicinity. That's the purpose of this discussion and the OP was simply looking for answers on how to address that issue. Now if you think that's promoting reasonable restrictions, that's your choice and you are free to think what you want. I think it's nothing more than shooters having a discussion about what to do when we see someone who is obviously incompetent and a danger to herself and everyone around her. I think TxFig came to the right place to discuss the issue. And I think nearly all of us would agree there are far too many unconsiously incompetent idiots on the the street with guns...Metro PD may have just proven that least half of the idiots may be wearing a badge. If we as a community can't talk about how to fix that without accusing each other of being against the 2nd Amendment, you can bet the Brady's will and none of us will like their solutions.
That's my $0.02 and I'm done with this thread.