I'm sure they'd disagree that they aren't a government entity if someone used that statement to argue that they shouldn't have to support the school with their tax money.jimlongley wrote:PISD's response, when contacted about this exact issue several years ago, was that: They are not a governmental body, they are an "Independant" school district, and that school property is private property, and the posting is valid, and they will arrest and prosecute.
This is as clear an example of an unenforceable §30.06 posting as I can think of. Any agency that tells their officers to arrest people for having a firearm in their vehicle on school property is begging for a lawsuit.Fedaykin wrote:Whether or not they are just in following the letter of the law will come further down the road. I have absolutely no interest in becoming a test case in Plano so I contacted SERVERAL levels of law enforcement and got the same answer from each. Don't do it, you will go to jail. That is enforceable enough for me.
Had I only contacted a lawyer, legistator or armchair legal advisor the answer would be "Go ahead! You're clear to enter the parking lot". That advice would have gotten a CHL holder arrested.
My advice? ALWAYS contact a LEO if you want to find out if you're going to go to jail or not. If you don't like his answer, then consult the attorneys, legislators and armchair legal advisors...
You can be arrested for anything. If you're that afraid of getting arrested for something that isn't illegal but a LEO doesn't like, I'd suggest you not carry a gun.