Just tell him, "All guns have at least two safeties. One's digital, one's cognitive. In other words - keep the digit off the trigger until ready to fire, and THINK. Some guns also have mechanical safeties on top of those. But if the first two don't work, the mechanical ones aren't guaranteed."randomoutburst wrote:Yes, a friend of mine was absolutely shocked that neither of my handguns have safeties.
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- Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:23 am
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: In The Wee Hours of the Morning
- Replies: 45
- Views: 7397
Re: In The Wee Hours of the Morning
- Sun Oct 04, 2009 6:56 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: In The Wee Hours of the Morning
- Replies: 45
- Views: 7397
Re: In The Wee Hours of the Morning
Your story sounds like the one a friend of ours tells, about when he was much younger and on the Dallas police force.
He got home at an unexpected time (night shift had been changed & he didn't know it until he'd already showed up at work) so he tried to be very quiet removing his gear so as not to wake his wife. He found out just how lightly she slept when he was setting his shoes down in the dark closet, and heard the unmistakable 'chik' of a revolver being cocked behind him. "DON'T SHOOT, HONEY, IT'S ME!!!"
Ohh, she chewed him up one side and down the other... and from then on, whenever he got home unexpectedly after she'd already gone to bed he made sure to "slam the front door a couple times, stomp my boots in the foyer as loud as I could, turn on all the lights and yell 'I'm home!' three or four times."
Yes, he's very glad she knows how to defend herself! and he's very glad she loves him.....

I'm glad your "encounter" turned out so well - goodonya' for being prepared and handling yourself so well!
He got home at an unexpected time (night shift had been changed & he didn't know it until he'd already showed up at work) so he tried to be very quiet removing his gear so as not to wake his wife. He found out just how lightly she slept when he was setting his shoes down in the dark closet, and heard the unmistakable 'chik' of a revolver being cocked behind him. "DON'T SHOOT, HONEY, IT'S ME!!!"
Ohh, she chewed him up one side and down the other... and from then on, whenever he got home unexpectedly after she'd already gone to bed he made sure to "slam the front door a couple times, stomp my boots in the foyer as loud as I could, turn on all the lights and yell 'I'm home!' three or four times."
Yes, he's very glad she knows how to defend herself! and he's very glad she loves him.....

I'm glad your "encounter" turned out so well - goodonya' for being prepared and handling yourself so well!