There is no evidence yet of any abnormal fear of dogs. Some degree of wariness of large canines (this one bred for hunting, by the way) is not abnormal. It's healthy. We don't know exactly what happened at the door between the dog exiting and the "grab", nor do we know about the guard's relationship with or attitude toward dogs.VMI77 wrote:The dog is not an aggressive breed. The dog ran out and got in the flower bed. This guard apparently has an abnormal fear of dogs, and was afraid merely at the presence of the dog.
As a contractor with the HOA in a gated community, he probably had authority - and responsibility - to be there on the porch. In other words, the contract with the HOA was likely, in effect, an invitation to be where he was.VMI77 wrote:My point is that this guard is 100% responsible for what happened. He entered private property without an invitation.
Most Americans, probably including most of the people on this board, live where various people have legitimate reasons to come and knock on the door. Police, mail carriers, landlords, the guy who cuts the lawn, census takers, utilities workers, etc.
Suggestion for a more civil discussion: Take the "you" out of the hypothetical situations, especially those involving violence.