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by Crossfire
Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:25 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: 8-12-09 Boy's Shooting Death - "jostled a backpack"
Replies: 40
Views: 5069

Re: 8-12-09 Boy's Shooting Death - "jostled a backpack"

Liberty wrote:
surprise_i'm_armed wrote:portsider44:

I would never own a Glock since they only have the trigger safety. No way Jose.

Oh, no! Now you went and did it.
Those who must depend on mechanical safeties to protect them should not own Glocks. Those with the ability to depend on the safety between their ears, can.

Apparently, this family falls into the "none of the above" category. No mechanical safety is robust enough to compensate for the curiosity of an untrained child.

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