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by .45mac.40
Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:14 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.
Replies: 47
Views: 11093

Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.

Indoor range, shooting ...
After afew shots, this shooter calls for the RO...
Hey, take a look at this ...
The RO (safely) took the hand gun (XD .45) and looked at the action...
Half loaded magazine, slide was back, you could see the round WAS JAMMED ...BACKWARDS up/into the ramp.
BUT... wait a minute... The RO laid the gun down, went and returned with a screw driver, inserted it into the muzzle end, and made an attempt to push the round ( primer end ) out of the chamber ... HOLY SASA FRAS !!!! :nono:
After the yelling STOP !! (Everyone on the range ... heard )
With a little finger poking ... the round came out. ( The remaining rounds in the mag. where loaded correctly )
Nervous shooter for awhile, but he got back into the fun.
Bet he will pay attention next time he loads his mags. ?!
Mac :fire .40 >>>>>> #%%#

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