Carlson1....!.... .... NOT ..!
I tried to like the Block ... but ... NOT ..!
Going to tha' range tomorrow .. Ya Hoo !
Gonna' make this PPQ M2 (.40 S&W ) my new EDC !
(( Is German PRETTIER than, Austrian ?? ... PROBABLY !! ))
Howdy... I'm the guy who bought the last Walther PPQ M2 .40 S&W at the Cedar Park gun show last Saturday ! One vendor had a 9mm .. I passed it. The other poster says the Walther is up there on par with Springfield XD ..etc. NOT TRUE.. Better !! Me...? I'm selling my Springys. for the better buil...
We have job openings for nurses, patient care assistants & many other positions. You can learn more & apply for jobs by attending our career event on Tuesday, May 20, 3-8 p.m. at Houston Methodist Hospital or by visiting" onclick=";return...
Heck ... I don't know.
What's a good price / value, for us both ??
Send your Email ( ? ) I have a pic. on my phone, if ya' want ?!
Edited this ...' cause, I'm not a reloader and this stuff is just laying around my garage.
I have no clue, as to what value or price to ask for.
Thanks guys !
Small, single press (no dies). Precision Gunsight Powder scale. 1- Powder holder/charger. 1- RCBS small handy dandy power holder. Lyman lathe / cut off. A few other deburring hand tools. Pretty good condition, no rust, has old freckles and sunspots. Have pics on my cell phone if you want to see thes...
Excellent / New condition: 400 +/- rds. down range. DPMS Sportical 7.62x39 / No dust cover, fwd. assist. 4-30 rd. mags. ( C-products aluminum ) No problems with feeding. 4-10 rd. mags. " " " Tru Glo red dot. Nc Star 3-9 x 42 scope. Scope mount, high rise w/ quick released arm. 200 rds...