I did think about it. In your own home you're not concerned with a Leo catching you carrying while intoxicated. Thus, no need to go lock upWes wrote:........ If I start with a beer and want something more, I'll walk it out to the car. I've done many times, a drink or two friends can easily become more so I just excuse myself and lock it in the glove box..........
I must have misread this part of your original post.
Wes wrote:Did I ever say I was then continuing to drive? No I didn't. Using your logic that a person can't have even the means to access the firearm when drinking would mean no one with a firearm in their home could ever drink. Let's think about this.
your gun in a glove box. Hopefully you won't drive, and just pass out in bed instead.
We obviously have different views on alcohol consumption and impairment. I'll let it go at that.