Agree. Their insurance or coverage will come from where it comes from currently, Parkland.LabRat wrote:I could only quickly scan thru the list, but the one that I think will be most stringently enforced (at first) will be #13 - the mandate to have insurance by US Citizens and legal residents.
Easy to go after them first....cost of prosecution would be less/easier by bankrupting the individual.
Notice it calls out "US Citizens" and "legal residents".
Guess there are no illegals in the US or they don't have to have enroll in insurance plans.
Wonder where their insurance will come from? Yep.
My question is: Since my taxes already go to pay for someone elses health care (Parkland), why am I
being punished again by Obamacare? That's right. Payroll deduction is up, insurance deductible
doubled from last year, maximum out of pocket expense doubled. Oh, happy day, Obamacare
is here. (and by 2014 it will REALLY be bad).... sorry for the rant.