back in the day.... we just left ours in the trunk or behind the seat in the truck. A few times the coaches even came out to the parking lot to check out the hardware. Again, no one got shot, no one was even thinking about pointing a gun at or shooting another student or faculty member. Back then, school started after Sept 1st (opening of dove season). I am a old man, and the above is simply me rambling on about the way it was......TexasGal wrote:Yeah, I remember the same thing..and SHOCKER! No one ever got shot! There were no hostage crises. No liberal panic leading to expulsions of students, etc,etc, etc... ad nauseum.Reloader wrote:i REMEMBER THE GOOD OLD DAYS WHEN WE COULD TAKE OUR GUNS, CASED, TO SCHOOL FOR AFTER SCHOOL HUNTING AND STORE THEM IN THE AG TEACHER'S OR THE VICE-PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE IF HIS WAS FULL, UNTIL AFTER SCHOOL..TAGGED AND LOCKED UP WITH THE AMMO...ahhhhhhhhhh, MEMORIES!
Sometimes I am so disheartened by how far and how fast things slid to where we are now.
Edit to be on topic: when my kids were young I was amazed at the sheer weight of the books they were expected to carry around.
I was certain they would be afflicted with severe back pain/problems later in life.