I don't mind if someone has one on their gun, I'm not going to make them re-sight it...as long as it isn't used. Yup, On Target is nice folks.rfs2005 wrote:Well, I tested this past weekend. I just put a piece of "electrical" tape over the laser, and had no issues. I scored a 232, which I don't think is all that bad considering I haven't shot in months.
I would like to give a shout-out to On Target in Benbrook. Very knowledgeable staff. The owner came in and spoke with us for a while about weapon positioning and holster selection. He even gave us all an American flag lapel pin and a copy of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
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- Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:32 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Laser on weapon during CHL proficiency testing?
- Replies: 55
- Views: 11232
Re: Laser on weapon during CHL proficiency testing?
- Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:52 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Laser on weapon during CHL proficiency testing?
- Replies: 55
- Views: 11232
Re: Laser on weapon during CHL proficiency testing?
TexasGal wrote:During my instructor class last April it was required to use the de-cockers and safeties if the gun was so equipped. I could see lots of people up the line who were not expecting to be required to use their guns this way. They were awkward at first, but most quickly mastered the routine. I was glad I was using an XDm![]()
Also, during the class, it was stated over and over that we are responsible for knowing the Admin Rules, so the expected knowledge for instructors is not just the CHL16. They also urged us to check the Admin Rules regularly because they are going to re-write them and we will be expected to keep up with the changes. It might be a good idea to just read through them now and then.

- Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:06 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Laser on weapon during CHL proficiency testing?
- Replies: 55
- Views: 11232
Re: Laser on weapon during CHL proficiency testing?
Agreed, but never used the de-cocker in that fashion and slowed me down and felt awkward,steve817 wrote:Wasn't really a problem, I could see his rationale.
- Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:58 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Laser on weapon during CHL proficiency testing?
- Replies: 55
- Views: 11232
Re: Laser on weapon during CHL proficiency testing?
Actually so did the DPS at instructor school. I have a Sig P226 and they required me to de-cock it after each reload.steve817 wrote:Heh, my instructor wanted me to de-cock my pistol and take my first shot using the double action trigger after every reload.Russell wrote:brainman wrote:So it looks like several people won't allow it. These same folks also admit they know of no rule prohibiting it. What gives?
If there's no rule against it, first, why wouldn't you allow it, and second, by what authority are you not allowing it?
This is a very good question. Personal feelings shouldn't be coming into play when it comes to state-sanctioned testing. If there is no rule or law that Texas specifically does not allow lasers on the testing, why should the instructors be able to make up their own additional restrictions?
- Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:55 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Laser on weapon during CHL proficiency testing?
- Replies: 55
- Views: 11232
Re: Laser on weapon during CHL proficiency testing?
Just checked the instructor material we were given at class. One sheet is called "Mandatory Equipment" which lists acceptable caliber sizes also states "No optical enhancements." I would be glad to scan this in if anyone needs it. I notice it is different than the one on the DPS website that gives and updated date of 2010.
- Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:40 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Laser on weapon during CHL proficiency testing?
- Replies: 55
- Views: 11232
Re: Laser on weapon during CHL proficiency testing?
I would tend to agree with Recaffinated. We were told no enhancements. I will look in our instructors book and see if it is stated in there. Nope, haven't read all of the code but google pulled it up quickly.sjfcontrol wrote:And other than reading about it here, how is an instructor supposed to know that the administrative code even exists? If DPS expected instructors to be familiar with the Admin Code, it should be listed in the CHL-16. Or perhaps there should be an instructor's addendum to the CHL-16.wgoforth wrote:By the code perhaps?sjfcontrol wrote:How does that follow? Although wgoforth says he remembers them mentioning it in his instructor's class, I don't remember it from mine.recaffeination wrote:DPS doresnt allow them, so you think more instructors would know the rule.
So if it wasn't mentioned in a class, and you didn't try to use one and have them tell you not to, how is an instructor to know?
Texas Administrative Code Chapter 6:
Rule 6.11(a) wrote:The proficiency demonstration course will be the same for both instructors and license applications...
Rule 6.73 wrote:...No optical enhancers will be allowed
Have you read the Administrative Code in it's entirety to see if there are any other jewels in there for us?
Recaffiniated's comment regarded that more instructors should know about the regulation because DPS doesn't allow them (enhanced optics). I don't see that logic, and said so.
- Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:22 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Laser on weapon during CHL proficiency testing?
- Replies: 55
- Views: 11232
Re: Laser on weapon during CHL proficiency testing?
By the code perhaps?sjfcontrol wrote:How does that follow? Although wgoforth says he remembers them mentioning it in his instructor's class, I don't remember it from mine.recaffeination wrote:DPS doresnt allow them, so you think more instructors would know the rule.
So if it wasn't mentioned in a class, and you didn't try to use one and have them tell you not to, how is an instructor to know?
Texas Administrative Code Chapter 6:
Rule 6.11(a) wrote:The proficiency demonstration course will be the same for both instructors and license applications...
Rule 6.73 wrote:...No optical enhancers will be allowed
- Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:27 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Laser on weapon during CHL proficiency testing?
- Replies: 55
- Views: 11232
Re: Laser on weapon during CHL proficiency testing?
Texas Administrative Code Chapter 6:GWE Chally wrote:Since the question was raised about "personal feelings"...
It is not a personal feeling that I would not let you use laser sights. And true, I was not familiar with the obscure admin reg. But, I would not want you to use the laser because I want you to prove that you can safely handle the gun and hit your target. How do I know, other than your word, that you will be carrying the handgun you are qualifying with? For that matter, how do I know it is even your gun? Laser sights are cool, but like anything else, they are not 100% reliable, if you are relying on it and it fails, I need to know that you can still hit your target and not everything else around your target because you didn't have the laser. I guarantee if you are in court facing negligence charges, "Your Honor, I wasn't able to hit the BG because my laser sights didn't come on" would not save you.
Rule 6.11(a) wrote:The proficiency demonstration course will be the same for both instructors and license applications...
Rule 6.73 wrote:...No optical enhancers will be allowed.
I'd be careful on anyone saying they wouldn't allow something because they want you to prove something if the state doesn't require you proving it. I know of some instructors who say they require 90% or above for proficiency, or won't allow a .32 because they don't think it is enough gun as well. Since this one is "on the books" you are safe, but should anyone complain about instructors being more restrictive than state....well, just remember Crockett Keller

- Sat Oct 20, 2012 6:39 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Laser on weapon during CHL proficiency testing?
- Replies: 55
- Views: 11232
Re: Laser on weapon during CHL proficiency testing?
There is...we were told in instructor training no sight enhancers were permitted.Waco1959 wrote:rfs2005 wrote:Title pretty much says it all. I'll be taking my CHL course this weekend, and I plan to use my Glock 22. I do have a Crimson Trace laser grip installed on it. Will I be allowed to use this during the course? Is that up to the instructor or is it up to the DPS? I don't mind removing it, but I just got it sighted just right, and don't want to have to do it again if I don't have to.
I have one on the gun I used for my test. The instructor said there is no rule or law against using it but he would prefer I didn't. Since it was a CT Laserguard and I didn't want to remove it, we just put a piece of electrical tape loosely over the front. He was happy and my score was still almost perfect.