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by wgoforth
Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:51 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Healthcare
Replies: 43
Views: 4810

Re: Healthcare

bdickens wrote:Health care is two words.
Lol, thank you. And "Govt health care" is an oxymoron.

Actually I just checked the dictionary and found healthcare (one word) listed.

healthcare: noun Also, health care.
1. the field concerned with the maintenance or restoration of the health of the body or mind.
2. any of the procedures or methods employed in this field.
–adjectiveAlso, health-care.
3. of, pertaining to, or involved in healthcare: healthcare workers; a healthcare center.
by wgoforth
Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:27 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Healthcare
Replies: 43
Views: 4810

Re: Healthcare

Annoyed man....have you seen that the state is now requiring lawyers to be buried 12 feet down? Yeah, seems that deep down lawyers are great guys! :smilelol5:
by wgoforth
Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:20 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Healthcare
Replies: 43
Views: 4810

Re: Healthcare

I don't think you would want me to post all of them, lol. When I googled "gun control + healthcare" it turned up thousands of references. You were quick to suggest no nation with socialized medicine controls guns under the guise of healthcare. Is there some source you had for that? I wasn't sure there were or were not. As you said "I just dont think theres much argument to Healthcare=Gun Ban, because we havent seen it done anywhere." Have you actually checked everyone of them to make sure they don't?? I am simply concerned that we may be trading away more than our health ins. with this bill.

In England recently, a family took their 3 yo daughter to the Dr as they were concerned about her weight. The Dr said to keep her on fruits and vegetables. Their concern was weight and not healthy foods per so... so they increased calorie containing foods and researched the net to find what foods were both healthy and calorie containing. When they went back for a check up, the Dr was pleased with the weight gain. When the Dr asked the parents what they had done to achieve this, the parents told them they didn't follow his plan but this other regimen. The Dr had the state to remove the child for "endangering the health" of the child. Again, the health care took away their rights as parents to make decisions in this.

Since the AMA and the Pediatric Journal is onboard for gun control, can we be guaranteed that the health bill will not at any point agree with the pediatric journal guidelines that (1) you ask parents if they own guns (2) ask where they keep them (3) require they be kept out of the house?
by wgoforth
Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:54 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Healthcare
Replies: 43
Views: 4810

Re: Healthcare

AMA pushes for gun control ... 3021.shtml" onclick=";return false;
public health and gun control" onclick=";return false;

google gun control +socialized medicine and you will see a litany of articles. In the minds of many, health and guns are interlinked. If you were a liberal politician would you not want to control guns to protect health? AND if you had gun control as an agenda anyway, wouldn't that be two stones with one bird <g>?

Sometimes the dangers comes innocently. ie, we homeschool. One state declared "homschool" to be just "school" and subject to state guidelines and safety regs. Sounded inncocent enough.... EXCEPT that would have also meant no guns in the household. The outcry of the homeschoolers in the state prevented it, but it was an "almost."

From what I googled it does appear that some nations used health and gun control.... south africa and cuba being two.

edit: Just found too that Australia views gun control as a health issue
by wgoforth
Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:25 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Healthcare
Replies: 43
Views: 4810

Re: Healthcare

marksiwel wrote:from another thread
wgoforth wrote:
marksiwel wrote:
wgoforth wrote:Whadda ya bet the health bill would mandate no guns in the house for the health of the chill-drin? He who controls the health of a nation controls every aspect of a nation.
Has that been used by any other country with Healthcare? Canada,France, Sweden, ect?
Not sure on that, would be interesting to know. But a few months ago some pediatric magazine called for pediatricians to ask if they family owned guns and if so, to ask them to store them out of the house. If this health bill can restrict our weight, it wouldn't be surprising to restrict guns. Already insurance oftens bans behavior deemed risky, ie, sky diving, care racing, etc.
Anyone care to point out where in the healthcare bill it would restrict our weight or guns?
I don't know that anyone has even gotten to read it have they? I was thinking that was one of the problems is that it hasn't been fully released. Either way, such becomes the danger when one entity controls health care, is that if they deem something as dangerous (tobbacco, weight, etc) they can require you to stop it for coverage. In England they require compliance to drs orders, even when the patient has reasons to disagree, for continued treatments.

And does anyone really think a health bill would not get modified over the years? Whether it would begin to ban certain items doesn't mean it would not down the road. Again, is the danger when one entity mandates. Right now there are health insurance companies that will not cover you if you are overweight, or if you smoke. But another will at a higher premium. If only one company, that eliminates such competition.

A difference between the US vs these other nations is that they have had a frontal assault against guns. With the US constitution, they cannot make a frontal assault here, so we have to be on guard for back door approaches.

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