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by redhawk
Tue Dec 09, 2008 6:43 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Texas Firefighters
Replies: 18
Views: 3469

Texas Firefighters

I am looking at sending my representitives a letter asking for an exemption for emergency workers to carry while on duty into forbidden places. The purpose of this is that as emergency workers we are called into places where we might not be safe and then turn around and make a call to a nursing home. We have no place to lock up our handgun and you can not show your handgun getting it from concealment into a safe. I am looking for support from others to also write their representives. Also I would welcome others views on the possibility of this passing.

* The city has said that it will not go against any state law allowing us to carry anywhere we are lawfully able to. So all we need is the state saying that we can carry in the forbidden places.

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