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by jordanmills
Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:48 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Pulled over a future CHL lady
Replies: 20
Views: 4647

Re: Pulled over a future CHL lady

NcongruNt wrote:DPS officers, on the other hand, have been unconcerned and ask something more like "do you have your gun with you?", and then don't mention it at all again after I answer in the affirmative.
The only time I've been pulled over by a DPS officer since I got my CHL, he chose to disarm me and run the gun's serial. To his credit, he was a rookie still in training, probably just doing it for the experience, and I was in what could have looked like a shady situation.

That was the only time an LEO has disarmed me.

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