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by nitrogen
Fri Oct 10, 2008 8:07 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: I'm gettin' worried..........
Replies: 23
Views: 3265

Re: I'm gettin' worried..........

The Annoyed Man wrote: He's like the Anti-Christ.
John McCain himself says Obama is a decent man.
John McCain wrote: "I have to tell you he is a decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared (of) as president of the United States."

"He's not. [an Arab.] He's a decent, family man citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that's what this campaign is all about."
Do you see yet why I'm not voting for either of them? John McCain sticks his finger into the wind more than Barak Obama does. He obviously says this now, after getting bad press for his followers threatening his life at earlier town hall meetings.

I really wish McCain would attack Obama on the issues; but the fact that he only wants to talk about William Ayers and Jeramiah Wright (neither of which anyone in their right mind should care about) makes me ill. For the longest time, I was waiting with baited breath for Mr. McCain to give me something, ANYTHING in which I could support him for president. He has utterly failed to do this.

While on many issues I might be called liberal, I usually look to republicans to lead on is economic conservatism; less taxes, less spending. Republicans have even managed to ditch that these days, giving 800 billion of my tax dollars away to people that helped flush the economy into the toilet. He has lately said he wants to use my tax dollars to buy up bad mortgages now. What the heck kind of conservatism is this? I'd expect Obama and the Democrats to want to do this. This is a HUGE deal killer for me.

Not to mention that Obama's record on gun issues is completely unacceptable. I like part of his plans for energy, but his plans will help us many years in the future, and won't do a lick of good NOW. That's also unacceptable. He supports wasting money on ethanol as a replacement for gasoline. Also unacceptable. That's just a start. These are deal killers too.

So just what the heck am I supposed to do?

I'm incensed that this is the best we can do. The democrats were retarded to nominate Obama. They should have nominated Richardson.

The republicans should have nominated, well, ANYBODY besides McCain. Even though I severely disagree with some of his views in regards to seperation of Church and State, I truly wish I could vote for Huccabee for president.

Ok, I think I'm done ranting for now.

EDIT: Adding youtube link
by nitrogen
Wed Oct 08, 2008 4:00 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: I'm gettin' worried..........
Replies: 23
Views: 3265

Re: I'm gettin' worried..........

jimlongley wrote:Comfortable with Palin (not Palen) as President? Why not? An obscure administrator, outdoors person, with a young family, little known outside the state that the person served as Governor of, suddenly becomes President of the US? Whoops, we're talking about Teddy Roosevelt here.
She's without an original thought in her head. She can only parrot prepared talking points, and poorly at that.

And comparing her to Roosevelt? Come on.
Roosevelt was a real outdoorsman, of the type you don't see anymore. He was a historian, writing one of the better books on the war of 1812. He served in the millitary. He was nominated for the medal of honor (which he didn't get for political reasons.)

Sarah Palin doesn't even come CLOSE to Roosevelt.

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