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by Bunkins
Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:54 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Gun disgorged from holster
Replies: 39
Views: 5255

Re: Gun disgorged from holster

usa1 wrote: sounds like a touch of the bursitis :shock:
i'm going to check into that Don Hume IWB tuckable holster ,sounds secure :thumbs2:
It's possible, could be several things unfortunately.. The worst part is most joint conditions require steroids to treat them, and I cant take steroids ( type 1 diabetic, steroids mess with my blood sugar, which leads to bigger problems if not controlled, which is very hard to do on steroids ). I have taken them in the past with caution, and it does help considerably.. What really stinks is I had to quit play guitar, been playing for 11 yrs... Thats just the way it goes sometimes... I have a feeling I wont be able to turn wrenches for a living for another 10 yrs, that type of career is hard on a person's joints.

Back on topic.... Here's a link to the Don Hume holster ... cts_id=762" onclick=";return false;
by Bunkins
Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:11 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Gun disgorged from holster
Replies: 39
Views: 5255

Re: Gun disgorged from holster

usa1 wrote:
dicion wrote: it still hurts, especially as I get older
your just a young pup..wait til you hit 40+ :shock:
thats when you experience mystery pains without any explanation as to what caused them :oops:

I'm 26 and I already have that... I did something to my right wrist a few weeks ago, no idea what happened, but if someone comes up to shake my hand, I have to try real hard not to scream out in pain.. No idea what I did to it, but to make it worse, I'm a mechanic, it's not like I cant just use my other hand to do stuff..

I have a Don Hume IWB tuckable holster.. I LOVE it, I love it so much I want another one just like it, and I dont know why... I've done a full out run and tackle in the pasture ( long story ), hitting the ground hard, rolling, the whole bit and the gun never moved.. I've rode horses with it ( long trail rides ), mountain bikes, dirtbikes, you name it, it goes with me during my normal activities and I dont have to worry about it falling out.. The holster uses a snap style break away, I can draw it fast enough that I promise a BG wouldnt notice the snapping sound before the gun was pointed at him.. I've got a few other holsters, and the whole time I've got them on I'm worrying about the gun falling out..

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