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by Tass
Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:51 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Neighbors new dog
Replies: 26
Views: 5944

Re: Neighbors new dog

Dogs (and all animals) have a 'bubble' that relates to fight/flight, condition 'green', etc. Some people have a very large bubble and can influence a dog from a great distance, others have no effect whatsoever. My herding trainer has a very large bubble. She can be up to 15-20' away from a new dog who has never seen/heard her and they will react. My very soft older dog would not work with her in the arena because her presence put too much pressure on him. You likely came out of the door with much more presence and determination. Kinda like the "Hand of God" was coming through that door.

Suggest to neighbor that he double up the fence, ie pickets on both sides. A friend who runs a rescue had to do this when a foster dog kept trying to go through. Running a bit of chicken wire (sorry, poultry netting) between the pickets can also discourage this behavior. The only way to be 100% is to never leave the dog unattended in the backyard (also goes for poop eating).


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