Hi ya'll. I have been around firearms my whole life. Shooting them as a child, all they way up to now (31 yo). I finally submitted for the CHL. I am awaiting the processing now.
For CHL, and my only SA pistol at this time, is a S&W 9MM Sigma. I know, many of you have different opinions on S&W and the Sigma series, but that is what I have :)
The 9MM Sigma is a no safety, single action, hammerless, glock clone. The trigger is jointed, and is the only safety mechanism (if you can call it that). My question is this, should there be any concern over carrying it cocked? I am very comfortable and safe with guns, but the lack of a true safety concerns me. Previously I had a Ruger P89 9MM. It was a SA/DA with decoking safety.
I guess the root of my question is whether or not I should be concerned over the sear tripping or accidental firing while it is cocked for long periods of time. My intentions are to clear the weapong, load it, and cock it in the morning when I begin my day carrying. If this was a DA handgun, it would not be a big deal since I could chamber a round and DA the first shot.
Some of you might say, if you are more comfortable with the safety of a DA, you should buy one to carry. That may be the ultimate decision, but only if there is a concern over a no safety SA cocked weapon. Note that I am not concerned with accidently pressing the trigger. My holster, and my handling of firearms does not present that as a problem.