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- Sat Sep 05, 2009 9:36 am
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: The Mrs. Almost Needed That Parking Lot Bill
- Replies: 9
- Views: 2208
The Mrs. Almost Needed That Parking Lot Bill
Thursday night, Mrs. Cowboy had to go to work to take care of some of her 3rd shift employees. Unfortunately her employers have the “no weapons” on the premises rule. (with loss of employment if caught) so she had no protection. Sure enough on her way home around 2:30 in the morning an incident happened. She had got off the major highway for the 9 mile stretch on a (pretty desolate but nice 4 lane FM road) between one town and ours. Went past the local Wally World and noticed there were quite a few cars there for that time of morning. Well about the time she got to a barren stretch of the road a car comes up on her pretty fast and gets close. She speeds up a little since they didn’t seem to be wanting to pass. They speed up also. She turns her blinker on and changes lanes, they follow. She then changes back to the original lane. They follow. A little panic starts to set in. She speeds up some more, they do too and get close enough she loses sight of their headlights from time to time. At this point she considers turning around to go back to Walmart, but thinks she’s closer to our town and keeps going where she knows there is a 24 hr stop and shop that will be open. She speeds on into town and there is a guy pumping gas at the store. She whips it in there and pulls up beside him telling him the car has been following her. The car actually pulls up beside her at a little distance and my wife asks the driver what is the deal? They start rolling down the window and it is some spaced out looking girl (drunk and/or high) who just kind of gives her a blank stare. She again asks what’s the deal? The girl rolls up the window and just kind of putters off in no hurry. Luckily, it must have just been a case of mistaken identity. I realize, and she does too now, all the mistakes made here. Starting with the panic, not calling 911, and speeding up to try to get away, confronting the person at the store, then not getting the license plate as she drove off. I’m thankful for the way it turned out, but we realize it could have been much worse. Just goes to show you really don’t know how you will react until the time comes.