I know the feeling well - was laid off last May as MIS Director from a company I had worked for for 15 years. Since I was unemployed anyway I decided to move from NY to Texas and here I am. I have not found anything in the computer field yet; I am fighting many of the same problems you are, no degree and never bothered to get some of the certifications as I never thought I would need them. Poor planning on my part, I thought I would be there until I retired, before this had never been unemployed in my life! In addittion to other handicaps I am facing the reluctance to hire someone of my age (57) I am doing tax returns for HR Block as an interim measure while I keep looking.
Just don't give up no matter how frustraing it gets. Things have a way for working out for the best; at least it got me from NY to Texas
I think you still sound like you need to vent another 250 rds or so. It is amazing how that can ease your frustration level