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by Taxman
Wed Dec 24, 2008 8:29 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Replies: 19
Views: 2911


Hey Jim! :thumbs2: (Ten year old version) "rlol"

I have never pronounced the word with a "T" sound. Must be that Texas vernacular of mine! "rlol"
by Taxman
Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:57 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Replies: 19
Views: 2911


atxgun wrote:
CompVest wrote:
Taxman wrote:I wouldn't recommend reusing the BBs. I have had them come apart and cause jamming problems. They are alot of fun and are good for practice. They are fairly accurate (about like a daisy red rider). Remember they are not toys! They can put your eye out and WILL leave whelps on your skin!
And why or how do you know this? :smilelol5:
A friend and I wondered how much it would hurt. Even through jeans, a couple meters away, it hurts pretty good.

I have a sticky target on the wall, works good for being able to ID where exactly you hit and then they slowly roll down into a collection tray so they dont end up all over (as much).

Would def. recommend eye protection though, if you end up hitting a wall it can bounce back.
I have a 15 yr old son. He got into the airsoft craze a few years ago. My wife and all her wisdom, wanted to see how bad they were, before my son went out and had an airsoft war. Well, she asked him to shoot her with it, and he obliged! Right on the thigh at about four feet! Left a nice red circle, that proceeded to turn blue, then black and finally green, over the course of a couple of weeks! "rlol" Needless to say he wore eye protection and thick clothing! This all happened while I was at work, so when I arrived home I saw the aftermath! My son had a whelp on his cheek, his foe had a nice red bump right between his eyes! So that should attest to the accuracy of the things (the battle took place at about fifteen yards with cover).

In the years since, my son has gotten more proficient with his SigP220 Airsoft, in so much as he now takes on the kids with automatic fire airsoft rifles and wins. Funny how he always aims for that patch of unprotected skin on the neck!

P.S They do leave dents in sheetrock and metal gutters!
by Taxman
Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:16 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Replies: 19
Views: 2911


I wouldn't recommend reusing the BBs. I have had them come apart and cause jamming problems. They are alot of fun and are good for practice. They are fairly accurate (about like a daisy red rider). Remember they are not toys! They can put your eye out and WILL leave whelps on your skin!

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