Hoppes wrote:OK, don't weld the plates. Instead, weld a frame around the plates to your bumper so that they can't be taken off or stolen. Make the frame steel. Design the welded plate so that it covers all the edges of the plate so it can't be pryed out. State should be happy because you didn't deface its property.Humanphibian wrote:Don't go welding on them!!!
They are "State Property" and welding them could be considered destroying state property.
I found this out on time when I was younger. I had a tailer with a seamless gutter machine on it that I left parked in my apartment complex overnight on a regular basis. After the third or fourth tag I had to replace I got the bright idea to weld it to the bracket. WORKED GREAT....until I was informed by a Trooper (pulled over for speeding...oops) that I could not alter the plate in any way....which included welding the edges. "That's why we put those nifty little holes in them" he said.
At this point... I'd make a frame out of a couple of #4 double long spring Victors.
Any trappers here will know what I mean.