mr surveyor wrote:The question of "do you carry a knife" is one of the very most distressing questions I have heard American men ask? I don't know if it's just an age/generational thing due to social training, or city/country issue. Being "50 something" and having lived in somewhat small town all my life, I grew up with pocket knives, and don't know any men my age that would even consider putting their pants on without a knife. Most of us started taking our pocket knife to school in 1st, 2nd or 3rd grade. By 5th or 6th grade the teacher was likely to ask to borrow a student's pocket knife for some chore or another. By the end of the year, she figured out who had the sharpest knife to borrow.
It's unfortunate that we have allowed such a stigma to be placed on pocket knives that they are no longer considered essential tools for men.
Sorry for the rant. Yes, I carry pocket knive(s) daily.
I'd say this pretty much covers it!