GlockenHammer wrote:Flintnapper,
It's been my experience that now matter how earth shattering and illuminating training like this is, if you don't practice the skills, you will lose them. I would be much more inclined to go after training like this if we could form a type of sparring group that would agree to meet periodically and refresh the techniques learned in training like this. Is anyone interested in that sort of thing in the Houston area?
I will be the first to say that Martial Arts, Self Defense, Sports/Recreation, etc...."skills" are
perishable. If you want to maximize the benefits of your learning, then by all means practice.
The purpose of holding seminars is to teach those with no training... some potentially life saving techniques. Those with prior training will learn things that can augment what they already know.
It will be everyones responsibility to take this information and practice it to the degree necessary for them to apply it (varies from person to person).
Ideally, you want some self defense skills that are committed to "muscle memory", but even this can get you into trouble. We do not teach "If he does A, you do B". We teach a variety of techniques that follow proven principles and concepts. This gives the student a number of "tools" to choose from and allows them to apply the skills as needed.
One of the most common objections to learning Martial/Self defense skills is just what you stated: "If you don't use it , you lose it". Certainly, there is an element of truth to that. I am more convinced that skills are "perishable or degradable". One thing is undeniable though, "If you never learn it, you can't use it".
Yes, you would do well to continue to practice the things you learn if you want to stay as sharp as possible. I think it is a great idea for you guys that are relatively close together.. to assemble and share your knowledge while practicing your newly found skills.