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by flintknapper
Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:43 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Update: Edged Weapons Seminar.
Replies: 69
Views: 13057

sensei6 wrote:John I plan to stick around. I like threads I've read so far. Good group of people with their heads screwed on straight.

With my schedule, I probably won't be what you call a regular, but I definitely plan on dropping in when I can.

I will post a link once I have uploaded the e-version of the newsletter.

Thanks again!


Permit me to be the first to say welcome.

We look forward to your contributions here, and will watch for the link at a later date.
by flintknapper
Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:28 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Update: Edged Weapons Seminar.
Replies: 69
Views: 13057

Hi BJ,

We certainly missed you at the seminar, but we understand schedule conflicts.

We all had a great time.

As you might imagine, I have no problem with you printing anything I was involved in. Thank you for all the wonderful training and personal attention over the years. Perhaps you can post the link to the review at a later date when you are finished.

Also, I hope you will choose to stick around, there is a nice group of people here, and we could use a "Martial Arts Hall of Fame" person to advise us on empty hands tactics. Of course, we know you CC too.

See ya at work.

by flintknapper
Sun Jan 14, 2007 8:02 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Update: Edged Weapons Seminar.
Replies: 69
Views: 13057

Seminar done!

A big thanks to all who made the drive to "the oldest town in Texas" to attend the seminar.

Also, to Charles for allowing this to remain a "sticky" which allowed us a means of communication by which to arrange things.

I could not be prouder of our "CHL" group. As expected, they were a great group of guys, and good students as well. Our instructors were pleased with the attitudes displayed and the willingness to learn. TexasCHLforum was very well represented.

Of course...its always great to have an opportunity to put a "face" with a name. You couldn't ask for a more "easy going" group, and I look forward to visiting you guys on your home turf sometime.

I hope everyone learned something today...and that with practice, you feel like you can apply those skills if needed. You can expect to have sore wrists for a few days, but if we don't demonstrate the "locks" you won't have confidence that they work. Everyone was a trooper, I didn't see a single incidence of whining or whimpering.

Some in the group (read..El Gato), already had quite a few solid techniques in their tool box, others were seeing this for the first time. All, watched carefully, asked intelligent questions...and then put the principles to practice.

I know we threw a lot at you guys...and we don't expect it all to "stick", but if you'll practice some of the basic principles of economy of motion, using larger muscle groups against smaller, moving off line, will all become second nature to you.

I sincerely mean what I am about to say next: Man for Man we have not had such a pleasant group of people to work with in quite some time. Everyone worked hard and did very well for a "first time". My hat is off to you guys!!!

by flintknapper
Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:22 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Update: Edged Weapons Seminar.
Replies: 69
Views: 13057

KinnyLee wrote:Do you happen to know the physical address of the place? I want to input the address on the GPS. Thanks. :cool:

Hi Kinny,

Here it is: Map to Dojo:


Drive safe.
by flintknapper
Thu Jan 11, 2007 9:27 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Update: Edged Weapons Seminar.
Replies: 69
Views: 13057

Looks like a rainy weekend up here.

All seminar students please drive carefully and allow extra time for travel.

Remember: Do not speed through Corrigan or Dibol.

If you need any instructions when you get to Nacogdoches, call the Dojo @ 936-569-0708 and we'll send someone to meet you.

Have a safe trip and we look forward to seeing you.

by flintknapper
Wed Jan 10, 2007 7:25 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Update: Edged Weapons Seminar.
Replies: 69
Views: 13057

fm2 wrote:
flintknapper wrote:
Ideally, you want some self defense skills that are committed to "muscle memory", but even this can get you into trouble. We do not teach "If he does A, you do B". We teach a variety of techniques that follow proven principles and concepts. This gives the student a number of "tools" to choose from and allows them to apply the skills as needed.

One thing is undeniable though, "If you never learn it, you can't use it".
I like to work the principles and concepts into "muscle memory" and have plan a, plan b, and plan c stay on your feet, if that fails, don't get mounted and so on.

I'd also say ALL skills are perishable, they don't dissapear overnight, they sort of fade. Maintaining them usually doesn't take a lot of time.

Spot on Sir.
by flintknapper
Wed Jan 10, 2007 7:01 am
Forum: General
Topic: Update: Edged Weapons Seminar.
Replies: 69
Views: 13057

GlockenHammer wrote:Flintnapper,

It's been my experience that now matter how earth shattering and illuminating training like this is, if you don't practice the skills, you will lose them. I would be much more inclined to go after training like this if we could form a type of sparring group that would agree to meet periodically and refresh the techniques learned in training like this. Is anyone interested in that sort of thing in the Houston area?

I will be the first to say that Martial Arts, Self Defense, Sports/Recreation, etc...."skills" are perishable. If you want to maximize the benefits of your learning, then by all means practice.

The purpose of holding seminars is to teach those with no training... some potentially life saving techniques. Those with prior training will learn things that can augment what they already know.

It will be everyones responsibility to take this information and practice it to the degree necessary for them to apply it (varies from person to person).

Ideally, you want some self defense skills that are committed to "muscle memory", but even this can get you into trouble. We do not teach "If he does A, you do B". We teach a variety of techniques that follow proven principles and concepts. This gives the student a number of "tools" to choose from and allows them to apply the skills as needed.

One of the most common objections to learning Martial/Self defense skills is just what you stated: "If you don't use it , you lose it". Certainly, there is an element of truth to that. I am more convinced that skills are "perishable or degradable". One thing is undeniable though, "If you never learn it, you can't use it".

Yes, you would do well to continue to practice the things you learn if you want to stay as sharp as possible. I think it is a great idea for you guys that are relatively close together.. to assemble and share your knowledge while practicing your newly found skills.
by flintknapper
Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:15 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Update: Edged Weapons Seminar.
Replies: 69
Views: 13057

Venus Pax wrote:I don't have a problem driving to Nacodoches. It's just that the date crept up on me.
I'm also trying to tone down my expenditures until my three March events are over. (I'm going on a vacation w/ family, we have niece's wedding, & I'm hosting a baby shower--all in March!)

ETA: Please don't misunderstand me on cost: I understand that $50 is a minimal cost for this training. I'm just trying to cut corners until the March money-pits pass. (I also want to purchase the knife I want to carry, but that will need to wait until after March as well.)


I understand on all accounts...believe me. I have a daughter in college right now, so I am intimately familiar with "expenditures". :sad: What I mean't by "minimum" in my last post refers to number of students, I went back and edited that in. My writing skills are something less than stellar.

Lansdale's also puts on self defense seminars for Ladies only. These have been popular in the past. They address the differences in how/why women are usually attacked, and focus on techniques and principles of using leverage, larger muscle groups against smaller muscle groups, mindset escape an attacker.

Your old sig. line reminds me of what prof. Lansdale has always said concerning getting into (or being forced into) a vehicle. He admonishes to NEVER do it and adds "They will not be taking you to a surprise party, or at least not one you're going to like".

Anyway, seminars covering different subjects are available either here, or at a location near you. I can act as a liaison for the purposes of arranging any training desired, or the good folks here may contact them directly. I am just a former student of theirs and use the term "we" because all who have trained with them in the past remain somewhat of a martial arts family.

Just let me know what you guys are interested in, and I'll see what can be put together to accommodate.

by flintknapper
Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:39 am
Forum: General
Topic: Update: Edged Weapons Seminar.
Replies: 69
Views: 13057

Venus Pax wrote:I have a question. I had forgotten about this class until I stumbled upon the freshly bumped thread tonight. Will there be another class in the future? April-ish?

Possibly, depends on total turnout for this one and how well it is received.

Generally, we have future seminars that "build upon" skills learned earlier, but that is not to say we couldn't have another basic skills seminar.

What we can do.. however, is to arrange to come to you. In other words Lansdale's would provide training in whatever you are interested in, at a location in Houston. This takes quite a bit of lead time normally, and we would need to satisfy a "minimum" (number of people) for attendance.

You guys tell me what you're interested in, and I'll do my best to arrange for it.
by flintknapper
Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:59 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Update: Edged Weapons Seminar.
Replies: 69
Views: 13057

Clothing item

O.K. folks,

Eugene has asked me to contact all who plan on coming to the seminar and ask them to bring a pair of pants, shorts, BDU's or whatever you would normally wear that will allow you to carry your folding knife in whatever position you normally do.

Apparently he has something in mind (and I think I know what it is).
by flintknapper
Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:30 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Update: Edged Weapons Seminar.
Replies: 69
Views: 13057

Last bump.

A special thanks to Charles for allowing this to remain a "sticky" while we recruit/accept students for the seminar.

Hope everyone has a safe trip...and we look forward to meeting you.

by flintknapper
Thu Jan 04, 2007 11:29 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Update: Edged Weapons Seminar.
Replies: 69
Views: 13057

O.K. folks,

Just talked to Eugene, he will be starting the class at 10:00 a.m. to allow for travel time. It would be best to be here by 9:30 though in order to warm up.

Everyone have a good week, get a good nights sleep on the 13th and we'll see you here on the 14th.

We still have a few spots open, so bring a friend.

Post any questions.

by flintknapper
Thu Jan 04, 2007 10:56 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Update: Edged Weapons Seminar.
Replies: 69
Views: 13057

ElGato wrote:I want to do this but have to wait and see how things go at the VA Hosp. next week.

I'll let you know as soon as possible.

We'd sure love to have you, I hope it all works out for the best.

There will be no extra (at the door charge) for you. Come if you can.

So far, looks like the youngest participant will be 13 yrs. old, don't know who will get top honors for the oldest (maybe me). Sure would like to have some of the ladies attend.

Be careful all, and we'll see ya at the seminar.

by flintknapper
Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:29 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Update: Edged Weapons Seminar.
Replies: 69
Views: 13057

Anyone else? Now is the time to decide.

For those already planning to attend, please refer to earlier posts for directions to the Dojo. If you have questions about anything, please feel free to ask.

First, for you Houston folk (do not speed through Corrigan or Dibol, these are well known speed traps). When you get to Nacogdoches (coming from the south) you will see Loop 224 (also known as Stallings drive). Take a right (East) on the loop, you will go through one traffic light, after the light continue on for 3 tenths of a mile and watch on your right for Lansdale’s self defense.

It is not a large building, perhaps 40’ x 60’ (white metal) and the sign is not huge either, so watch carefully. If you go as far as the second traffic light, you have gone too far, turn around…come back ¼ mile.

Items you’ll need to bring:

1. Comfortable loose clothing (sweatpants and T-Shirt(s) are ideal, but whatever you’re comfortable in). We recommend a sports bra under a shirt for the ladies.

2. An old towel, (if you’re prone to sweating with exercise).

3. If you have prior injuries/physical limitations/medical issues…etc, bring whatever you normally require and make us aware of any special needs.

4. If you have a training knife/gun feel free to bring them.

5. Bring any folding knife that you might want to carry in the future so that we can suggest the best methods of carry, deployment and use.

6. Some people like to bring sports drinks or sodas…bring what you like, the Dojo has a water fountain for your use if that is all you require.

7. I will be bringing my lunch so I can stay and visit with others during the lunch break, but there are several places to eat nearby (your choice).

8. Bring a “teachable spirit�, we recognize that some of you have had prior training, others none, we will do our best to train everyone according to their ability. Not every technique will be suitable for every person, but we feel certain you will leave.. having learned something you can apply on the street.

I look forward to meeting and training with each of you, have a safe trip and drive carefully.

I will post the starting time for the seminar after I talk with Eugene this weekend.

Regards, Flint.
by flintknapper
Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:21 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Update: Edged Weapons Seminar.
Replies: 69
Views: 13057

KinnyLee wrote:Okay. Waiver and check mailed in. :cool:

Great Kinny,

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you guys.

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