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by flintknapper
Wed Aug 23, 2006 5:40 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: AD at Austin Gun Show
Replies: 22
Views: 3298

kw5kw wrote:
flintknapper wrote:Not to "nitpick" but that was a ND (Negligent discharge).
Couldn't a ND still be an AD?

If you view accidental as being synonymous with negligent then yes. As concerns firearms, I believe there is added responsibility to "check things" over and over. But I'll let you be the judge.

Main Entry: neg·li·gent
Pronunciation: -j&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French, from Latin neglegent-, neglegens, present participle of neglegere
1 a : marked by or given to neglect especially habitually or culpably b : failing to exercise the care expected of a reasonably prudent person in like circumstances

Main Entry: ac·ci·den·tal
Pronunciation: "ak-s&-'den-t&l
Function: adjective
1 : arising from extrinsic causes : INCIDENTAL, NONESSENTIAL
2 a : occurring unexpectedly or by chance b : happening without intent or through carelessness and often with unfortunate results

Main Entry: care·less
Pronunciation: -l&s
Function: adjective
1 a : free from care : UNTROUBLED <careless days> b : INDIFFERENT, UNCONCERNED <careless of the consequences>
2 : not taking care
3 : not showing or receiving care: a : NEGLIGENT, SLOVENLY <careless writing> b : UNSTUDIED, SPONTANEOUS <a careless grace> c obsolete : UNVALUED, DISREGARDED

Perhaps it was all three, but one thing is for certain, it was avoidable... and for that reason alone...I consider it negligent.

Thanks for the question.

by flintknapper
Tue Aug 22, 2006 5:45 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: AD at Austin Gun Show
Replies: 22
Views: 3298

Re: Gotta get out of here!!!!!

jbenat wrote:We had one gun show here in Frisco and somebody had a ND. Don't know the details. That was the last one ever here. The anti's had a field day and we won't have any gun shows here again. They've also managed to get two local outdoor ranges closed down.
We took a short drive Sunday. Remember the days when the family piled into the family car and went for a Sunday drive? Now it's just bumper to bumper trafic trying to get past road improvements while driving past subdivision after subdvision of look alike houses. :evil:
We are moving to East Texas sometime in the near future where there is less development and some darn good gun ranges. I can't wait! :lol:

We'll be happy to have you.
by flintknapper
Mon Aug 21, 2006 5:20 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: AD at Austin Gun Show
Replies: 22
Views: 3298

AV8R wrote:
longtooth wrote:Thank you Flint. I try to stay conscious for every one that may be around. I am 56 & by the grace of God giving me safety first attitude on the job & w/ fire arms I have all my fingers after many years in heavy industry & no ND's w/ fire arms to date. I pray my safety record stays in tact. I need all my fingers for shooting & playing my guitar. :lol:
Longtooth, I have read many of your posts, and I always appreciate the high standards that you advocate and the good examples you set for handling and using firearms. However, now that I know your age, I may occasionally slip and refer to you as "Junior," so please understand if that happens.

Hah, he's three years my senior, so I guess I get to call him "Old Man". :grin: :grin: (respectfully of course).
by flintknapper
Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:21 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: AD at Austin Gun Show
Replies: 22
Views: 3298

Not to "nitpick" but that was a ND (Negligent discharge).

Thank you for sharing the story, it points to the need for better gun safety practices I.E. (always check every firearm, even if the person before you just did) no exceptions.

I was very impressed with LongTooth's safety habits the day we went shooting, he was always conscious about the loaded or unloaded state of every firearm we handled. Even when I handed him a pistol with the slide locked back, he looked into the chamber to confirm.

Its really very simple.

Rant over.

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