Lonegun1894 wrote:last time i asked a game warden, i was told shooting them at night was legal since pigs arent considered game. He said even spotlighting them was legal, but to give him a courtesy call so he wasnt getting called out on a poaching call, when he could just call you the next day and ask how many you tagged instead and if you had a good time. This was a few years ago (2-3) and havent checked into it since, but you might wanna give them a call and make sure before you go off and do this. But at least at that time, it was still legal.
Your information is both correct and current. Hogs are considered "non-game" animals...and may be hunted at anytime, by any means, with no bag limits . A courtesy call is always a good idea if you plan to hunt Hogs at night. This is true when varmint hunting as well. Most of the Hog hunting I do is at night when they are most active. We are pretty much covered up with them.....and they receive little mercy.