quidni wrote:
Add children into the equation, and I think a lot of folks will find that they're capable of doing what needs to be done.
This is consistent with responses I have gotten from women (with children).
There seems to be a common thread that if "you get between the mother and her cub" then all hell is gonna break loose,
no doubt about it!
Surprisingly, some have expressed concerns as to whether they would do the same for themselves. I am glad that you have given the matter some thought. It amounts to "mental" training. IMO, this is more important than simply being armed. In fact, you are not effectively "armed" unless you are willing to use your weapon, and are somewhat proficient with it.
It really doesn't matter how big your gun is, how many rounds it holds, how accurate it is, or how much it cost.......if you're not
willing/able to use it when its needed.
Naturally, every person should decide for themselves what constitutes a threat that they will act against. For me, its when: "the consequences of an attackers actions are no longer acceptable".
I believe women (in general), possess more natural compassion, and tend to be more "long suffering" than men. I pray that they never let these otherwise admirable qualities, endanger their lives...by causing them to hesitate. Same goes for men.
Practice mentally your "mindset", in the same way you practice physically... your "gun skills".
Both will be needed if ever the day comes that you are forced to pull your weapon.
To those who have already thought it out: Good on ya!
If you have not: Get started!