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by flintknapper
Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:13 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Is your wallet really THAT valuable?
Replies: 56
Views: 10076

frankie_the_yankee wrote:
CHLSteve wrote:OK, so hypothetical scenario:

BG walks up to you, evening or nighttime, as you pass by, and says, "Give me your wallet!" He doesn't appear to be armed at first glance, just mean.

What to do? Draw? Shoot? Run?
How about just saying, "No!"? Then keep on walking and/or back up as appropriate.

At that point, you see if it looks like he is going to escalate and go on from there.


Simply continue to create distance (where possible), scan quickly for other threats....and go from there as suggested above.
by flintknapper
Mon Sep 17, 2007 1:52 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Is your wallet really THAT valuable?
Replies: 56
Views: 10076

Re: Is your wallet really THAT valuable?

Dwight K. Schrute wrote:Let me clarify first that I have no doubt (zero, zip, nada) that should my life be on the line, I could confidently draw my weapon and use it. However, I have been thinking a lot lately on the scenario of being mugged. If some punk wanted my wallet and did not present a threat to me, I just cannot foresee the need to draw my pistol. My money clip has three forms of ID and a two credit cards. IDs? Those will be in the trash if they don't just get tossed on the street first. The credit cards? Ha! I HOPE that chump tries to use it. Those things will be canceled and flagged stolen before he can even reach the nearest place that would accept them. Thoughts?

30 years ago I might have been inclined to agree with you. These days however, people are routinely killed even after complying with the demands of the BG (or his group).

Of course, every person must make their own decisions....and each decision should be based upon the totality of the circumstance at hand.

Personally, (if circumstance allows) I will be drawing my weapon in preparation of defense. It doesn't mean I HAVE TO SHOOT, (the dynamics of any encounter can change quickly).

Just remember, you are already two seconds behind the curve. Waiting to "draw" until you are certain the BG means to harm you....probably won't work out in your favor.

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