A Business Man!MasterOfNone wrote:As a business owner, I have been in situations in which I had to humbly ask customers for forgiveness. But instead of my hat in my hand, I had compensation or accommodation. When I had to change the location of a class on short notice, I refunded part of the students' cost to make up for the additional drive. When I realized that I had made a mistake on a CHL-100, I delivered the corrected form to the student.
Bottom line: the party who caused the situation should accommodate the party that helps fix it.
I have had to go back to a FFL in 2002 and fill out the 4473 because we were so busy talking we both just overlooked it. All he did was make a polite phone call and I was back the same day.
It was not a certified letter telling me to come back, 260 miles round trip, and a no thank you at the end of the transaction. Academy just left a little bit of bad taste in my mouth. It was not enough to keep me away, but it was enough that I may have learned to stick with my Local Gun Dealers and enough to make me ask if I was the only one.