I can only speak for myself, but to answer your question...YES, I'm very happy with my current insurance. Could it be better? Certainly. The healthcare and insurance industries need reform. But that's not what you're asking. So, yes, I'm happy with my insurance. I pay for half of it, and my employer pays the other half, and it's not cheap, but it's good. Dealing with the insurance company on issues has been, allbeit rare, challenging. It's not utopia, but it is light years better than my personal experiences dealing with ANY gooberment entity (USPS, DPS, IRS, etc.).marksiwel wrote:So, everyone here is happy with their insurance and have never been screwed over or denied a claim by their insurance company?
Regarding issues with my insurance company...when I have had a problem getting an issue resolved, my employer leans on them and gets it resolved. Why, because my employer represents volume, and me and my employer paid for certain services with certain expectations. It's called capitalism.
TRY THAT WITH THE GOOBERMENT!!! That's a challenge!