I haven't spoken yet, but my problem with barstoolguru is recalling his angry tirades against the female CHL who chose to shoot recently.Jumping Frog wrote:For everyone wanting to pile on barstoolguru, I suspect part of this is generational differences.
People who are born in the mid-fifties or earlier grew up with a completely different sense of what being a man meant when compared to the current generation of young men raised in an educational system and culture heavily slanted towards the femininization of men in America.
Leave aside the whole issue of whether he should have taken a shot or not. When I saw the video of him sitting there quivering, I couldn't help picture John Wayne saying to him, "Come on, Pilgrim, pull yourself together." That was my cultural conditioning.
Do not misunderstand me, my point is not that he should have been more stoic. My point is men raised in the 50's had a much different cultural conditioning than men raised in the last 20 years.
He has different standards for different situations.