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by Mike1951
Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:11 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Loaded magazine briefly exposed
Replies: 21
Views: 3098

Re: Loaded magazine briefly exposed

Heartland Patriot wrote:
rp_photo wrote:At my last photo shoot, I put a 15 round Glock 19 magazine in the camera bag, and at one point it tumbled out when I was taking out some other equipment while the bag was on the ground.

I immediately picked it up and put it back before anyone noticed, but had anyone seen it would it have been considered a brandish?
Once again, someone just HAD to push my buzzer, didn't they? THERE IS NO SUCH THING IN TEXAS PENAL CODE AS "BRANDISHING". It does NOT exist in this state. That word is for King Mayor Bloomberg's NYC and his subjects, or similar places. Did you intentionally fail to conceal your weapon? If not, nothing happened. You had a piece of metal with some ammunition in it, neither of which are illegal to have in your possession, assuming you aren't a felon IIRC, in the State of Texas. Some Nervous Nelly type might get a case of the vapors, but they don't have any legal standing to the best of my knowledge. If I am wrong, I'm sure someone on here WILL quote penal code and set me straight.

(Edited to add apology; that word is my pet peeve. Sorry I got so wound up.)
You didn't react as strongly as txinvestigator would have.

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