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by Beiruty
Tue Jun 14, 2016 1:38 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Orlando It has started.
Replies: 47
Views: 7353

Re: Orlando It has started.

It does exisit even till this exact day. See for yourself A baptist nonetheless ... Y.facebook
by Beiruty
Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:57 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Orlando It has started.
Replies: 47
Views: 7353

Re: Orlando It has started.

Jim Beaux wrote:
Beiruty wrote:
Jim Beaux wrote:Many refer to the Koran as if it is one book-it's not. As is the bible, there are several translations, and as with Christianity there are several different denominations-each having differences that cause angry disagreement. One thing I see- is though there are Muslims across the globe -the violence predominately comes from one area.

The Muslims I personally know are peaceful and respectful. Logic leads me to believe that terrorism is the product of a violent society/culture, not the religion. ... d_branches
Translations are not the reference book. There is only one version and it is written in Arabic. In Islam it is forbidden to have a literal translation. You can translated the explanation of the verses.

NB. My posts here are for clarification only. Not a discussion.
Beiruty, If you dont mind would you please elaborate on your above post?

I agree that the Dajjal is the anti-Christ & Isa ibn Maryam is Jesus. I also understand that Islam recognizes Jesus as not the son, but a messenger & prophet of God.

Wanting to learn more.

Over the centuries, Muslim scholars authored many explanation books for the meanings of the verses and/or reasons and circumstances of the revelations of the verses. Even, the Prophet Muhammad asked God, to enlighten the heart of his cousin Abdullah bin Abbass to learn the meanings of the verses of Al-Quran. He used to be called the "Translator of Al-Quran" (Arabic to Arabic!)

There is only one and only one version of Al-Quran in Arabic. Not a single letter was added or removed since it was revealed, and then assembled in a book. Al-Quran is not Authored by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) who he did not know how to read or write. Great Angel Gaberial (as a messenger from God) is the Angel who taught the Prophet Muhammad Al-Quran.

It is permissible to translate the Explanation Books of Al-Quran for those who do not know Arabic.
by Beiruty
Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:46 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Orlando It has started.
Replies: 47
Views: 7353

Re: Orlando It has started.

Topbuilder wrote:
Beiruty wrote:
Topbuilder wrote:
Beiruty wrote:
JALLEN wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:Somehow, in all this anti-Muslim fervor, you've got to find room for the 1st Amendment protection of freedom of religion. I am an evangelical Christian who finds great fault in Islamic theology, but will lay down my life for the right of a Muslim to peacefully practice his religion do more than one Muslim members of THIS forum....who are also pledged to protect my 1st Amendment right to freedom of religion.

There's a very good reason why the 2nd Amendment comes right after the 1st; but don't lose sight of the fact that the 1st IS first.....also for very good reasons....
I just got Sebastian Gupta's book Sunday and have read ~60% or so. He points out that
Islam is not a “religion” in the sense this term is commonly understood. It is a system encompassing all fields of living. Islam means politics, economics, legislation, science, humanism, health, psychology and sociology.
It is a mistake to view Islam as merely a religion.
Judaism and Christianity have similar code of conduct, like killing one's son if he disobey his father, etc... Killing the homosexuals too.
And is that still happening today...
I am not say it is still happening or it should happen. Homosexuals are not be killed, anyways.
"At least 68 gay and transgendered men have been killed over the last four months, according to the London-based rights advocacy group Iraqi LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender), bringing the total number of killings of Iraqis because of their sexuality to 678 since 2004"
source - Wikiislam
I meant that Western world is not killing LGBT members, nor should be killed anyways. If ISIS regime is killing said members, they are killing countless others regardless of their sexualities.
by Beiruty
Tue Jun 14, 2016 10:13 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Orlando It has started.
Replies: 47
Views: 7353

Re: Orlando It has started.

Topbuilder wrote:
Beiruty wrote:
JALLEN wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:Somehow, in all this anti-Muslim fervor, you've got to find room for the 1st Amendment protection of freedom of religion. I am an evangelical Christian who finds great fault in Islamic theology, but will lay down my life for the right of a Muslim to peacefully practice his religion do more than one Muslim members of THIS forum....who are also pledged to protect my 1st Amendment right to freedom of religion.

There's a very good reason why the 2nd Amendment comes right after the 1st; but don't lose sight of the fact that the 1st IS first.....also for very good reasons....
I just got Sebastian Gupta's book Sunday and have read ~60% or so. He points out that
Islam is not a “religion” in the sense this term is commonly understood. It is a system encompassing all fields of living. Islam means politics, economics, legislation, science, humanism, health, psychology and sociology.
It is a mistake to view Islam as merely a religion.
Judaism and Christianity have similar code of conduct, like killing one's son if he disobey his father, etc... Killing the homosexuals too.
And is that still happening today...
I am not say it is still happening or it should happen. Homosexuals are not be killed, anyways.
by Beiruty
Tue Jun 14, 2016 10:11 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Orlando It has started.
Replies: 47
Views: 7353

Re: Orlando It has started.

Jim Beaux wrote:Many refer to the Koran as if it is one book-it's not. As is the bible, there are several translations, and as with Christianity there are several different denominations-each having differences that cause angry disagreement. One thing I see- is though there are Muslims across the globe -the violence predominately comes from one area.

The Muslims I personally know are peaceful and respectful. Logic leads me to believe that terrorism is the product of a violent society/culture, not the religion. ... d_branches
Translations are not the reference book. There is only one version and it is written in Arabic. In Islam it is forbidden to have a literal translation. You can translated the explanation of the verses.

NB. My posts here are for clarification only. Not a discussion.
by Beiruty
Tue Jun 14, 2016 10:08 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Orlando It has started.
Replies: 47
Views: 7353

Re: Orlando It has started.

JALLEN wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:Somehow, in all this anti-Muslim fervor, you've got to find room for the 1st Amendment protection of freedom of religion. I am an evangelical Christian who finds great fault in Islamic theology, but will lay down my life for the right of a Muslim to peacefully practice his religion do more than one Muslim members of THIS forum....who are also pledged to protect my 1st Amendment right to freedom of religion.

There's a very good reason why the 2nd Amendment comes right after the 1st; but don't lose sight of the fact that the 1st IS first.....also for very good reasons....
I just got Sebastian Gupta's book Sunday and have read ~60% or so. He points out that
Islam is not a “religion” in the sense this term is commonly understood. It is a system encompassing all fields of living. Islam means politics, economics, legislation, science, humanism, health, psychology and sociology.
It is a mistake to view Islam as merely a religion.
Judaism and Christianity have similar code of conduct, like killing one's son if he disobey his father, etc... Killing the homosexuals too.
by Beiruty
Tue Jun 14, 2016 8:05 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Orlando It has started.
Replies: 47
Views: 7353

Re: Orlando It has started.

Topbuilder wrote:"Religion or theology may only be discussed in the context of threats or criminal acts committed in the name of a religion, and in thoughtful responses to those threats and acts."

That's our guidelines here.

The reason we can't seem to adhere is because of our current place in in history. "The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast." Rev 13:3. The whole world is non stop Islam.... all the time.

This is why it should not be a topic here:
The majority of commenters don't know enough about their own Book much less their adversaries.
The Koran promises the death or submission of all Christians and Jews.
The Bible is pretty detailed about how all the peoples surrounding Israel (called heathens) will be punished (killed) or worship Jehovah. Just so happens every country/people mentioned for destruction is moslem.
Allah of the Koran is not Jehovah, God, of the Bible.
The mahdi of Islam is the antichrist of the Bible. Jesus Christ of Revelation is the dajjal of the Koran.

We will never get along or agree on this subject. Let's just walk away...
Wait a sec, Muslims believe in the return of Issa' ibn Mariam, that is Jesus the son of Marry. Why you did not mention that too? You did not mention, that Dajjal would be killed at the hands of Jesus peace be upon him. Thus, Dajjal is the Anti-Christ.

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